Customer Service operations are now forced to pivot to completely new ways of working. Advances in technology, rising customer expectations, and new-found employee empowerment are placing fresh and demanding challenges on the contact centre and customer service industry. Even as 81% of consumer respondents say they would sooner deal with a human agent instead of an automated service, and only 3% prefer talking to a chatbot, Contact Centres & Customer Service organisations are embracing more highly complex technology to mitigate cost-pressures and deliver the excellent omnichannel experience that customer have come to expect.
However, despite having the potential to radically improve the speed and convenience of many customer service interactions, the insertion of increasing layers of smart technology into the CC&CS infrastructure also threatens the jobs of thousands of workers and raises ethical questions about privacy, copyright infringement, and even damage to service quality. CC&CS business leaders must take pain steps to ensure their workers are protected against the stresses that change will bring. Training, reskilling, good job motivation and listening to what their workers want will be essential for success. Because no matter how much technology is deployed, all the trends indicate that the customer still prefers to work with a real person and not a digital facsimile.
In this report, you will discover more about:
AI and automation in CC&CS – is it a big helper or is it a big brother?
Customer attitudes towards data sharing and the need for strong data security
What customer support workers want and how to meet the rapid change
Planning and achieving the optimal customer support workforce